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Cooperation Mission Destiny







Mission Destiny School Mubende

30. October 2024

Fundraising campaign for 750 pupils

Once again we visited the Mission Destiny school in Mubende. The 750 or so pupils are doing well, and the sponsored children that Mission UP looks after are also healthy. We would like to use this newsletter as an opportunity to launch an appeal for donations:

Mission Destiny School urgently needs to repair and extend the supply pipes and gutters for the water cistern. The local supply of tap water is still very irregular. This has an impact on the hygienic conditions and the health of the children. The total cost is approx. 2000 €.

We are also asking for the school’s support for 40 wooden school benches, one bench costs €13 so €520 in total. Many older wooden benches are now brittle. Who would like to help?



Help by making a donation!

To support the people and the mission work in Uganda, Mission UP has initiated various projects. With your donation, you help to realise these projects and significantly improve the quality of life of many children and adults.

Take over the sponsorship for a child!

With a sponsorship, you enable Ugandan children affected by poverty to access education, give them hope and perspective by supporting them on their way to a self-determined life.