Outreachteam: proclaiming the love of God
From autumn 2022, we will be conducting regular evangelistic outreach initiatives with a team of Ugandans. We plan organised 3 to 5 day outreach trips to places where the Gospel is not yet well known, as well as outreach work at refugee camps, events and schools.

Becoming active in God’s Kingdom
Outreach work is carried out by Mission UP in cooperation with Mission Destiny in Uganda. A teams consist of eight to ten pastors, evangelists and supporters who go to a village or region and preach the Gospel there. Accommodation, a car, the route, scheduling and fuel costs are arranged locally and settled in advance from Germany with an organisation fee. You are welcome to support the outreach work and thus become active in the Kingdom of God!
We are currently collecting money for:
Initiatives of our outreachteam
Required funding: approx. 300 euros per day
With your donation you allow for everything that is needed for outreach work to be bought or rented: from vehicles, to generators, to mobile stages.
Measures that have been realised with donations to date:
Initiatives of our outreachteam
Initiatives of the outreachteam in prisons, hospitals and street evangelism.

On 23.11.2024 Mission UP is hosting an evangelistic youth conference at Mission Destiny School. There will be preaching, celebrating, playing games and proclaiming God’s word. We will report more about this soon.

Help by making a donation!
To support the people and the mission work in Uganda, Mission UP has initiated various projects. With your donation, you help to realise these projects and significantly improve the quality of life of many children and adults.
Take over the sponsorship for a child!
With a sponsorship, you enable Ugandan children affected by poverty to access education, give them hope and perspective by supporting them on their way to a self-determined life.

Enable the spread of the Gospel!

We are looking forward to your messages.

Donations account
Every bit of support helps!
Letter of friendship
Preview of projects in Uganda. Register here!
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