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Cooperation Mission Destiny







New construction of a church building

1. June 2023

At the beginning of June 2023 the first construction works for the new church building in Kibegenya / Hoima have started.

The building materials have been purchased. Our employees in Uganda accompany the project.

We help a community in Mbalala / Hoima to raise an outstanding amount for the complete purchase of a plot of land. The church building stood on half-unpaid ground and the risk of being evicted became greater and greater. For eight years, the municipality tried to raise the amount. The seller of the country became increasingly restless. For the church, God did a true miracle that day.


Help by making a donation!

To support the people and the mission work in Uganda, Mission UP has initiated various projects. With your donation, you help to realise these projects and significantly improve the quality of life of many children and adults.

Take over the sponsorship for a child!

With a sponsorship, you enable Ugandan children affected by poverty to access education, give them hope and perspective by supporting them on their way to a self-determined life.