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First hospital mission in northern Uganda in Kumi and Hoima

15. November 2024

Kumi Hospital and Hoima

Actually, on the evening before our Kumi outreach, we only wanted to pray for the prison outreach in Kumi, when a team member said in prayer: “We pray for our outreach in prison and in the hospitals”. We hadn’t actually planned on hospitals. This spoken

However, we understood prayer as the guidance of the Holy Spirit and also set off for the hospitals in the region. We set off without registering with the administrations, without preparation, just trusting in God.

God actually opened the doors for us. The pastor of the hospital in Kumi “coincidentally” remembered a Mission UP team member from his youth. And after about half an hour, the situation in the hospital office relaxed noticeably and we were allowed in. We prayed for many, preached the Gospel to many and were able to pay for the transportation of one of the hospital patients, Vicky, back to her home village.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The hospitals were very full of family members, and so we were able to tell the family members of the sick about God’s love.


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